If you are suffering from a law of attraction inferiority complex, don’t feel bad, you are not alone!

You have probably heard just think positively and your life will change and you will get the guy, the car, the money etc.

And you try to do this for awhile but those pesky thoughts keep creeping in. And then something bad happens and you think- why bother? This is just not working for me. There is something wrong with me.

Well the law of attraction has been very oversimplified by a lot of people. Thoughts, beliefs, actions AND our life purpose, the reason you are here, plays a huge role in what you attract in your life.

So here’s the truth. You chose your actions based on your beliefs about what you think the meaning is behind the events of your life. The meaning you give these events is determined by your beliefs about yourself and your life. Then your actions determine the future events in your life.

Whew! Confusing right?

Sounds like one big vicious cycle. Well it is and it actually makes a lot of sense.

So when your Dad does not treat you the way you want him to, which means he does not love you so therefore you believe you are un-loveable and therefore you meet men who treat you poorly and therefore you are unable to find love because you are un-loveable. Or your job sucks and because your job sucks you are miserable but you need your job to live therefore your life is going to miserable if you don’t find a new job. But you can’t find a new job because you are too miserable and tired everyday from the job that sucks and makes you miserable.

So as you can see the law of attraction IS a cycle and it is always working one way or another.

And here’s the big truth that most people don’t know. Most people actually don’t want to change their beliefs.

What you actually want is to have the outcome that you want, the outcome you think you need in order to be happy while being able to hold onto your old beloved beliefs.

That’s right, the beliefs about your father or your job are actually deeply cherished beliefs. Why? Because when these beliefs are gone there is nothing left but you as the creator of your life. And therefore the sole reason for your own unhappiness is you. So then it is your fault you are unhappy. And who wants that?

So if you are single and you believe that being single is the cause of your unhappiness and if you only had that true love, you would finally be happy.

But guess what, one of the key steps in finding your true love is to be happy first!!!

So now you know about how beliefs and thoughts work, here’s where actions come in.

How many times have you mustered up the energy to take action. Maybe you start to date online or decide to get involved in that charity organization you have been thinking about. But then, something goes wrong. And you get discouraged and you quit.

And you move back into your deeply cherished belief. The one that says, "See the Universe is out to get me. I was dealt a bad hand, etc. It is all my job’s fault, or my father’s fault". Whatever your story is.

What you don’t realize is that this set back actually showed up as your friend. To help you, to teach you something you need to learn so that you CAN accomplish your dreams and your goals.

See there is one element of the law of attraction that is missing. That element is that you are not the creator of your reality all by yourself. You are forgetting that there is a higher power that is working FOR YOU in your life all the time. You are not alone.

So when obstacles seem to come up, look inside and pray. And do not to pray for what it is that you think you want.

Pray to ask God, Spirit, your Divine Wisdom, inspiration whatever higher power you believe in “What do I need to learn right now? What are You teaching me and showing me in this situation right now”?

Neil Donald Walsh said that when his whole life was falling apart and everything he did turned out “wrong” in desperation and with a deep willingness he said “God what do I need to learn about how life works? Tell me and I will do it”

And that is when he started is now famous Conversation with God.

What a powerful statement- what do I need to learn? And his life is an example of how powerful it is to be willing to let go of whatever you need to let go of in order to live your life’s purpose.

Remember when I said, most people are afraid to let go of their story, their deeply cherished beliefs because you are secretly afraid you will be left alone, solely responsible for your own life.

The truth is when you let go of your beliefs what you have left is the realization that you are not alone. And you allow yourself to receive support from a power much greater than you, working for you in your life.

When I work with clients we always do a centering exercise and I have them connect with their divine wisdom. This divine wisdom is never wrong and will always guide us to the next step.

If there was one action for you to commit to in your journey to your true love, it is to commit to centering and connecting to your divine wisdom on a daily basis.

This practice demonstrates your willingness to chose a different path from the way your personality thinks it wants your life to go and to be guided toward the life you are meant to have. Your thoughts will become quieter and your cherished beliefs, your story, will more easily melt away.

And remember that vicious cycle you just learned about?

Well imagine being caught in a cycle of positivity? Where you felt good most of the time, believed everything was happening for your good and that life was working FOR YOU not against you. What would your life look like then?

Then before you know it, you will be guided to accept that invitation to that party, to sign up for that new dating website. And when you least expect it, in a magical way you cannot imagine, you will meet your true love.